Entering and editing text

In this article:

Basic input keystrokes

Non-keyboard characters (accents, symbols etc.)

Superscripts and Subscripts


House Styles

Basic input keystrokes

Text editing in Wincaps Q4 follows normal Windows text processing conventions including clipboard functions (cut/copy/paste), see Keyboard shortcuts - Wincaps Q4 offline or Keyboard shortcuts - Q-Live for a full list.


There are also a few special text formatting keys such as:



Wincaps Q4 automatically capitalises the start of each new sentence as you type.  The sentence end conditions are described here.   

Non-keyboard characters (accents, symbols etc.)

Characters that are not available on the standard keyboard can be entered in several ways:


Note that not all characters are valid in all cases.  For example, if the file has the Teletext personality you are limited to entering characters that are supported by the Teletext character set for the chosen language.  If you try to enter an unsupported character, an "Invalid character" message will be displayed in the left of the status bar.   

Superscripts and Subscripts

Wincaps Q4 has no superscript/subscript font adjustment attribute (unlike Microsoft Word for instance). Therefore all characters, including superscripts and subscripts, must be inherently supported in the selected TrueType font. Enter the character in the same way as any other non-keyboard character (see above). For instance, use Alt 0178 (Unicode 00B2) for a superscript two.


You can use shortforms to reduce the amount of typing required and to ensure consistent spelling of commonly used words or phrases, including the names of people or places for instance. In some respects this feature is similar to the AutoText facility in Microsoft Word. Just type the abbreviated “shortform” followed by a space, punctuation or the return key and Q4 expands it automatically.  Learn more about shortforms here.

House Styles (Wincaps Q4 Pro only)

House Styles are similar to shortforms but are activated when text is entered into the SpeakTitle Window, normally during speech input.  Learn more about House Styles here.

See Also:

Breaking text into subtitles

Editing basics